Gift of Present

#Discourse 3

There are times when you feel lost, without any sense of purpose; going through the routine set of chores and thinking why am I stuck? In work or marriage or job or studies or anything where u are doing something only for the heck for it.

You perform those acts only to finish the task in hand quickly, without much sense into the grooming and making of what gets delivered. You think its just the end since I have ended up having a bad marriage. You waste so much of your precious time performing those wasteful non qualitative acts, and on contemplating that only if I could have taken this decision, then I wouldn’t be here or thinking of ways to escape out of it towards a possible freedom. Dealing it by either cursing the past or contemplating an imaginary future.

Stop that habit immediately. Thinking of past decisions wont change a thing and random thoughts of possible future wont bear any significance UNTIL you combine it with the actions of your present. Present 🎁 is a wonderful state to be in. Plan your future but stay in the moment. Take actions towards a futuristic goal, step by step, a small hop everyday. Stop cursing where you are and why is it happening to you. Just surrender yourself completely to the nature’s will and enjoy the fact that you are better off than most of them around you. If you have a smart phone with a nice battery and camera, Believe me you are better off than most of them 😜; that you don’t worry about your two morsels every single day. The fact that you aren’t pelting stones to earn some 500 bucks or begging and staying on streets without a roof, or not forced to join any extremist groups or you majorly work in an air con environment. You are in that top 20% of the world population and that’s wonderful news! You have been lucky so far!

Then Instead of cursing your situation, wouldn’t it be wise to think if you are justifying your present. Are you achieving what you actually can? Or just wasting that opportunity by being negative about it the entire time? Each of us is gifted with so much potential, be it physical, mental, societal or spiritual.

Are we justifying those potentials?

If every action of yours, answers this question, then you are set on the right path to knowledge. Have a nice day 🌻

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